I’m happy to read as writers catch on to the manipulative scam.

Revolutionary activists infiltrated the education system, posed as professors, teachers, and administrators, and replaced teaching with political manipulation, instead training the students to be activists. These activists pretend to be teachers while subverting the education system with the goal of overthrowing the state. This is being paid for with tax dollars.

They use a Trojan Horse strategy: they pretend to advocate for vulnerable people and present themselves as representatives for the vulnerable group. They present revolutionary ideology as some kind of defense of minorities.

They are really exploiting vulnerable people to gain power for themselves.

You should see what happens when one of us “uppity” minorities deviates from the radical revolutionary script. The truth comes out. They don’t care about minorities. They’re using us to advance their revolutionary agenda.

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Who is “they” and “Revolutionary Activists” ?

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Amen. The Feminist movement came in sheep’s clothing, but ultimately hated men and the divinely created order that protects and enables human flourishing. My mother saw this in the 1970s as an activist who just wanted equal access to prove herself capable of competing in the acedemic and professional sphere. (She did.) Ultimately, it was a Trojan horse against the nuclear family and the blessing of children.

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Let me make it simple. Critical literacy is the cultivation of resentment and envy.

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I'm pretty sure I'd rather take apart the concept of "critical literacy" with my children and enjoy some classic books together. Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers, please remove your children from public (Government) schools. Every single alternative is superior.

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My son said they sure killed his love of reading with all the trauma and sob stories in middle school. Give children their adventure and imagination back.

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Equation of critical literacy and Marxism is simply wrong... to apply a tiny bit of critical faculty. I am sure there are people informed by Marxism in the critical theory field as there are people informed by many other intellectual strains. Hopefully, literacy allows people to read the many strains of thought and make their own judgements.

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For me, anyone can apply critical thought to formulate his or her own theory. The purpose of critical thought in this respect, in academe, in a way, is for manifesto making. It relates to the creation of arts and letters, which in itself is of spiritual value, following the Reformation. Therefore, anyone can make a manifesto. Art is a way to transform suffering into beauty. Before postmodernism. I studied critical theory until 1996, when I graduated with a BA and proceeded to get my head out of my ass.

I have always been suspicious of crowds, pogroms, and that sort of thing. You know they say Religion is the Opiate of the Masses. Today’s masses are tweaking out.

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After feminist theory came queer theory. Don’t Tread On Me.

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Misogyny is real.

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I’m sure there are some men who hate women, and plenty of women who hate men. Your point?

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You miss the point of critical thinking. It allows you to interrogate the thinking behind any "ism" or religion (including, of course, Marxism and Christianity. Pretty basic in any democratic society. In other words, not radical or threatening.

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