The four olds is conservatism or anyone who hasn’t been Asch conformed into complete idiocy. Read the great famine the other week. Very grim. Loads of parallels. I really hope twitter isn’t a hundred flowers but I’m probably screwed anyway.

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MAO was created by Rockefeller in the 1920's Shanghai and mentored for his role;

Rockefeller Foundation rules the USA today, including the planned Deagle Report genocide, 90% reduction in human population by 2025 USA; ( JC Deagle, Rockefeller chief planner post WW2 )


Today the CIA has pivoted to CHINA some +25 years ago;


Stalin, Hitler, MAO all created by UK London Bankers of Rothschilds and their rockefeller agents, who today have the name Musk or Gates, Generational trillionaires keeping the world under control for the rich elite and their spawn.


Who is the real enemy??

Yep, there are just too many layers of 'obfuscation' for any moron to even fathom, but all is certainly hopeless, for the simple fact that its hard enough to get rich to even play the 'great game', let alone keep your money which a JP-Morgan said "It's not what you make, its what you keep"

Little people are fucked by birth may 2-3% become wealth&aware, maybe 0.01% keep their wealth generation2generation into perpetuity; Maybe 0.001% even get 'real education'.

It's not so much 'globalists' like I always say most can't even define the 'enemy'


Problem is like Casey so well defined, "When all the public believes is a LIE", where do you even fucking begin in terms of an organized revolution???


The PLAN was explained long ago to me by a patriarch in a family, one of my family's married into, at some point the billionaire patriarch took me aside and said 'would you like to ivest in a fund that would ensure your children are rich forever', I said no thanks, I would prefer my children be born poor and have work for their wealth forever;

But I did dig deeper, it turns out there are these 'actuarial' companys in London that for an 'investment' will guarantee that all offspring get say $1M USD/year for life from 18 to death; Forever for all spawn; This family in particular made its wealth in Shipping from Seattle to the Yukon the 1898 gold-rush, they had invested in these UK wealth-funds and now 4th generation 100's of grand-kids were all getting $1M/USD year, and $5M USD at 21 to do as they wished; Forever;

Now to make this all happen, one must plan out 2-4 generations, this is why we say "All wars are banker wars", but that is not true the Bankers are not the planners, or the actuarial investors; But these men do plan the wars, and decide which countrys land collapse in value (ukraine today), and which don't, the old BUY-LOW, SELL-HIGH scam, and they always win every bet;

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