As a huge fan of the Just Thinking Podcast, I'm glad Dr. Lindsay knows Darrell Harrison & Virgil Walker!

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Oct 1Edited

The arrogance of these communists never ceases to amaze me. I'm only 33 minutes in, so maybe he will touch on this, but do they really believe we are stupid enough to think they are going to let go of their power once the State is no longer needed? Or do some of them genuinely believe this will somehow happen... magically? "Naturally", because humanity's nature will have been changed? But how do you change someone from the outside, in, against their will? That's the part I never hear an answer for!

EDIT: Ah! There is more of an explanation! Since everyone will be the same class*, things will be wonderful and the State won't be needed anymore. Supposedly.

*A miserable class. Except for the leaders. But they never tell you that part.

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