Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Gaia sounds like she's on her period and needs to chill out!

Why doesn't Gaia care about the BILLIONS of masks discarded all over her in the past 4 years? It's incredible how I have not heard one word from the enviro-cult about this! The clowns in Chicago are STILL masked, even outside in 90+ heat! No lie. If I didn't see it with my own eyes every day, I wouldn't believe it.

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And, wow, talk about Romans 1 in action:

Romans 1:18-25

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

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I am still working my way through this. I knew this stuff was insane, but yikes! It's crazier than I ever dreamed. These people want the deaths of BILLIONS.

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Mwahaha! I love his Schwab accent/impression.

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It's broken (at least for me)

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The recording? I think it's also on Youtube now.

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Thank you, James.

Reason -> (Lie) -> Consensus -> Hive-Mind

(Lie) - You see the value in trusting your own conclusions when they are based upon reason. Wouldn't consensus, the conclusions of the reason of many, merit further trust? It would be unreasonable to trust your own reason when it conflicts with consensus.

If you love consensus, what happens when you begin to also value tradition?


"So, there was a French philosopher and paleontologist and Jesuit priest named Tielhard De Chardin, Pierre Tielhard De Chardin, he wrote a book called The phenomenon of man...so basically, he thought that the planet was in the biosphere, was moving towards this fully integrated state where humans kind of coalesce into this Collective mind, and he Associated this Collective mind with something like a god-like state and he called that an Omega point...the biosphere would include the technosphere that sits on top of it and so I do think AI is an extension of the intelligence of the living network and that it will assist us in this kind of progression towards this higher state where we get to to spread and I do think if we find aliens they will be aliens that started off biological and then uh basically merged with their technology." - Bobby Azarian. The Romance of Reality Part 2 with Bobby Azarian | Mind Escape episode 254 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVShiFKMghU

“Hundreds in the East and in the West are pressing onwards towards this goal. and in the unity of the one ideal, in their common aspiration and endeavour, they will meet before the one Portal. They will then recognise themselves as brothers, severed by tongue and apparent diversity of belief, but fundamentally holding to the same one truth and serving the same God.” ― Alice A. Bailey, Initiation, Human & Solar: Unabridged

"I guess that space is something that I wanted people to understand when I named the show the portal and people did not understand it wasn't intended to be a show it's intended to be a search for the actual portal out of here, it's an attempt to find pinch to zoom, I believe that we are not doomed here." - Eric Weinstein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJxBnSyH0T4&t=5959s

“We humans are getting closer to the Point, particularly with the aid of computers and related technology. The Omega Point is the final step before “Singularity” takes place. Once we achieve (or cross into) Singularity, which will be the first and truly major evolutionary step in mankind, we cease to be humans.+ In the near future, computers will surpass our collective intellect, and our only way to maintain our place in the universe will be to merge with them. When transhumanists speak about the Omega Point, they refer to the point when our use of science and technology will improve our human state, making conditions such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and even death a thing of the past.” M. Castillo. American Journal of Neuroradiology March 2012, 33 (3) 393-395; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3174/ajnr.A2664

Creating "mature" global citizens (Chisholm was the 1st Director General of the WHO)


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Theodore Roosevelt https://neurotree.org/neurotree/tree.php?pid=805001&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=3&fontsize=1

Lanpo Jia https://academictree.org/geoscience/tree.php?pid=907702

Jean Albert Gaudry https://academictree.org/anthropology/tree.php?pid=830638

Louis Agassiz https://neurotree.org/neurotree/tree.php?pid=126&fontsize=1&pnodecount=4&cnodecount=2

Johannes Peter Muller https://neurotree.org/neurotree/tree.php?pid=151

Georges Leopold Nicolas Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier https://academictree.org/anatomy/tree.php?pid=7235

Alexander von Humboldt https://academictree.org/meteorology/tree.php?pid=7236

Johann David Michaelis https://academictree.org/linguistics/tree.php?pid=31390&fontsize=1&pnodecount=4&cnodecount=2

Herman Boerhaave https://neurotree.org/neurotree/tree.php?pid=613

Leiden anatomical theatre (Yes, the replica currently housed at Museum Boerhaave includes the serpent coiled around the tree) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_Boerhaave#/media/File:Anatomical_theatre_Leiden.jpg

[Edit] Adding the branches to Hegel/Marx/Gramsci/Freire/Norma Gonzalez(where branches reconnect) below.

Johann Heinrich Michaelis https://academictree.org/linguistics/tree.php?pid=34070&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=4&fontsize=1

Christoph Matthaus Pfaff https://academictree.org/linguistics/tree.php?pid=34071&fontsize=1&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=4

Georg Wilhelm Hegel https://academictree.org/philosophy/tree.php?pid=37310&fontsize=1&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=4

Karl Marx https://academictree.org/philosophy/tree.php?pid=56579&fontsize=1&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=4

Antonio Gramsci https://academictree.org/linguistics/tree.php?pid=56578&fontsize=1&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=3

Paulo Freire https://academictree.org/linguistics/tree.php?pid=56575&fontsize=1&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=3

Norma Gonzalez https://academictree.org/linguistics/tree.php?pid=56572&fontsize=1&pnodecount=3&cnodecount=3

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