Yes it is evil. Progressivism is egocentric. It is a patina of good (eg social justice) over self centeredness. The base motivation of Progressives is to feel good about themselves. Woke is just the most recent outbreak of the evils of Progressivism.

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I appreciate your organization and articulation of so many moving parts and motives. This speaks to what I understood intuitively but couldn’t effectively put language to without feeling crazy myself. The simplest way was to refer to it a brilliantly orchestrated psych opp.

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Aug 26Edited

Why does no one comment, James? You have one of the most important Substacks going, but here we have all of 5 comments, several hours in!

WOKE is diabolical, but predictable. YES! YES, YES! It is not due to incompetence....the whole thing is intentional. Always has been.

For the past 25+ years, I have been trying to get people to see what the leftwing is doing. Generally, eyes glaze over. I shouted it from the rooftops at every opportunity. I even have formal study in this stuff. But it all bounced off. Why don't they see it?

You are the newer canary-in-the-coalmine. I wish you better luck. I wish us all better luck. Although that may not happen without the average person being willing to make an effort. They might stop and consider that most of the population in 1930s Germany shrugged off concerns about Hitler too. They thought anyone warning them was an obsessive, to be laughed off. Famous last words.

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Keep shouting, we have to speak up. They had us censoring ourselves for a while and they'll still go after us but this is a hill worth dying on!

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This is an excellent foundational point to make, Woke is evil not crazy!

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Examine the marketing for progressive policies. Notice that they market to envy and vanity. “Those greedy white men gouging little guy. Corporate greed. They don’t need that much money.” Progressives appeal to our baser inclinations.

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Pukeworthy, they're everything they're warning us about.

See Michelle Obamas Convention speech about how her parents were suspicious of those who "took more than they needed." Uh, kind of like her with her 4 mansions?

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Amen Tim.

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This really hit me. From someone who loves order in their life, and has been feeling surrounded by disorder and insanity, I thank you for clarifying what this is. Evil. Yep. It helps to know it. Now to fight it…

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Excellent. Two more and you'll be at your 100th "Bulletversary" Rooting for you from Houston, TX.

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Sep 16Edited

WOKE emanates from the Cluster-B disorders in an authority figure or body of authority figures behind the WOKE machinery and the WOKE followers. Up to and including Psychopathy. Just as in any form of totalitarianism.

You can read further on the subject:

"Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism"

by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

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Combining this with your observations about the alchemy of Soros, perhaps the goal is to create zombie mobs for hire who can be steered through media messaging to tear down whatever the megacorporations and bankers want to profit from rebuilding?

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Thank you James Lindse.

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Wait can evil exist without the ultimate good God?

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Aug 27
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You didn't quite understand the message there.

The ideological difference between Marxist and Marcuse driven "diabolical" and "evil" woke and the strands of the MAGA movement is night and day.

As James said, the woke ideology sets out to destroy existing society, how does MAGA "protest against the totality of a well-functioning, prosperous society"? It's precisely the opposite.

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Aug 27
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contesting elections is also a fundamental democratic norm. Have you forgotten that the Dems contested every Republican presidential win since Reagan?

As for the "insurrection" the rioting came after the FBI fired on peaceful protestors with stun guns and stun bombs. But you didn't hear that from your spinmasters. In fact the FBI has admitted they can't even give a number to how many operatives were in the crowd, tearing down the fences, opening up the doors, literally setting peaceful people up for entrapment.

The estimate is between 200- 300.

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I agree to disagree on that one. Maga is pro Freedom, anti censorship, anti crime, for closed borders, for quality food, anti big pharma, anti war, for individual liberty and for freedom of speech--- the definition of "Liberal". I'm going to recommend that you do a bit more research. Podcasts are great, RFK Jr on Tucker today is a great one- talking about how the parties are shifting, Democrats are unrecognizable and Republicans are the party of the worker and of the people, against war as is Mr Trump who btw started no new wars and had peace in the Middle East--- which I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. He should've won a Nobel Peace prize but the authoritarian left around the world gave that to Obama based soley on his rhetoric---than he messed around in Libya and got 4 killed in Benghazi including an American Ambassador.

Trump 2024

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