Sitemap - 2020 - New Discourses

Is James Lindsay Going Insane?

Are Micro-Aggressions Really a Human Rights Violation?

Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism

The University as the Woke Mission Field: A Dissident Women's Studies Ph.D. Speaks Out

Maintaining and Expanding the Ban on Critical Race Theory

The Five Most Moronic and Dangerous Woke Ideas of 2020

Why University Students Need to Listen to Douglas Murray

Is BLM Based On a Conspiracy Theory?

The 'Model Minority' Myth Cudgel

Philip Guston (Not) Now: The Impact Argument

The Next Chapter of the American Story

The Road to Hell is Paved with Eggshells

How Wokeness Undermines The Constitution

Four Fallacies of the Woke Prohibition of Cultural Arguments

White Fragility Training and Freedom of Belief

Wokeness Threatens the Rule of Law

G.K. Chesterton and the Value of Tradition

Why Your Organization Should Not Do Diversity Training

Why the World is the Way It Is: Cultural Relativism and Its Descendents

"Everything Is Problematic"

Reflecting on Skokie and the Necessity of Distasteful Speech

There's No Such Thing As "Systematic Racism"

How to Be Not-Racist

Critical Race Theory's Jewish Problem

Biden Is Not The Room

On Anti-Racism and American Identity

For Racial Healing, Reject Critical Race Theory

Why Schools Are Teaching Our Kids "Social Justice"

To Boldly Go: Critical Animal Studies, the Final Frontier

The Poverty of "Lived Experiences"

Ideological Gatekeeping and the Future of Peer Review

The Great Silencing of America and the Hallmarks of Woke Totalitarianism

Understanding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

No, Science Isn't a "Social Construct"

GamerGate: How Gamers Were the First to Stand Up Against Grievance Social Justice

Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise that Everything is About Race

A First-Amendment Case for Freedom from the Woke Religion

Activist Violence in Context

Peter Boghossian: How Social Justice Silences

How Social Justice Silences | Peter Boghossian

The Most Dangerous Place To Be

The Woke Creation Myth

History Killers: Illinois Rep. Calls for End to History Education

How Critical Social Justice Theory Cuts the Heart out of Therapy

Sticks and Stones: Coping with Offensive, Hurtful, Insensitive, & Otherwise Unwelcome Speech

Two and Two Make Four

Antifa is Our Only Hope: A Satire

"Anti-Racism" vs. Liberalism

How "Indigenous Ways of Knowing" Works In Venezuela

Redefining "Racism": Against Activist Lexicography

How Your Organization Can Resist Woke Social Pressure

At What Cost? Trans Healthcare, Manipulated Data, and Self-Appointed Saviors

Therapy and the Hermeneutics of Oppression

2+2 Never Equals 5

The Woke Cult: James Lindsay on the Babylon Bee

"James Lindsay - Saving the World" on the Woman By Definition podcast

Hurtling Toward Totalitarianism: A Call To Action In Defense Of All We Hold Dear

No, the Woke Won’t Debate You. Here's Why.

The Complex Relationship between Marxism and Wokeness

Defining Racism Up: Ibram X. Kendi’s Weird Definition of Anti-racism

A Postmodern Inquisition: Faculties of (Re)-Education?

How to Talk to Your Employers About Anti-Racism

Saying No to Critical Race Theory

Can White People Understand "Racism"?

Wake Up, Talking Therapists! Critical Social Justice Theory Poses An Existential Threat To Your Professions

How Critical Studies Led to Today's Turmoil

Mob Social Justice and the Dangerous Precedent of Charging Amy Cooper

Why Nobody is Systemically Racist

History Killers: The Academic Fraudulence of the 1619 Project

The Contradictions of Critical Theory and Counseling

The Race-baiters' Checkmate and the Critical Collapse of Education

The Evergreening of America

The Radical Left's Resemblance to Dogmatism

The Diversity Delusion

Lest We Forget: A Plea Against Iconoclasm

Wokeness and Its Not-at-all-racist Doctrines of Disempowerment

The Defence Approach to Diversity

The Woke Breaking Point

Ending Cancel Culture Is Up To You

A Beginner's Curriculum on Critical Race Theory

The Evolution Of Postmodern Thought | Helen Pluckrose

Helen Pluckrose: The Evolution of Postmodern Thought

An Open Letter to Robin DiAngelo about "Anti-racism"

Iconoclasm as a Prelude to Woke Horrors?

Postmodern Religion and the Faith of Social Justice

5 Reasons the Book "White Fragility" is Shallow and Destructive

In Defense Of The Status Quo

White Silence is NOT Violence

The Intellectual Fraud of Robin DiAngelo's "White Fragility"

A Principled Statement of Opposition to Critical Race Theory: An Excerpt from 'Cynical Theories'

Sharing Size: Nine Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism

They Can't Cancel All of Us: How We Fought the Woke Thought Police and Won

A Template for Resisting White Fragility in the Workplace

The Flaws in White Fragility Theory: A Primer

The Cult Dynamics of Wokeness

The Problem with White Fragility

Beyond the Infinity Point

Staying Sane in an Age of Narratives

Do Better than Critical Race Theory

Grievance Studies and the Nuclear Waste of Scholarship

James Explains: What About Sociology?

What's Passed Since the "Conceptual Penis"?

Liberalism and its Anti-liberal Moral Order

James Explains: Health Equity, Babies, Bathwater

The Souls of White Folk

Deepfake Methodology and the Limits of Critical Theories

Health Equity in the Alchemy Symposiums

Alex Makes The Grade

Stealing the Motte: Critical Social Justice and the Principle of Charity

Meeting an Antifa Apostate

Countering the Radical Left

Understanding Social Justice Segregationists

What The 'Grievance Studies Affair' Says About Academia's Social Justice Warriors

Postmodernism Versus Critical Social Justice

Age of Narratives and the Postmodern Democratic Political Regime

Age of Narratives and the Postmodern Democratic Political Regime

The Disneyfication of Critique

Universal Social Justice: A Necessary Alternative to Critical Social Justice

Having Conversations in the Age of Internet Trolling

The New Calvinists

How French "Intellectuals" Ruined the West: Postmodernism & Its Impact

How the Woke Virus Infects Academia and Our Covid-19 Response

Why Professors Fear to Livestream Critical Social Justice Classes

Explaining Critical Social Justice in Real Time

Trans + Gender = Civilizational Collapse

Coronavirus Life: Will Things Be the Same Again?

Using Shakespeare to Divide America

The Way Forward | Peter Boghossian

Peter Boghossian: The Way Forward

A Deep Dive Into "Critical Social Justice" & How It Took Over the Humanities

The Truth About Critical Methods | James Lindsay

James Lindsay: The Truth About Critical Methods

Critical Theories: A Virus on a Liberal Body Politic

The Social Justice Agenda: A Reverse Q&A at Portland State University

Reconstructing Derrida: The Poetics of Nonsense and the Rule of the Cool

James Lindsay Discovers Decolonizing Graphic Design

A Short Letter to a Misunderstanding Right

Satire in the Digital Age | Andrew Doyle

Andrew Doyle: Satire in the Digital Age

The Marketplace of Ideas and the Battle of Discourses

Liberal Reflections from the National Archives: Hope, Pride, and Two American Tales

Breaking Down Critical Social Justice Theory in K-12 Education

Language Matters: Why I’m Creating Translations from the Wokish

Naming the Enemy: Critical Social Justice

Welcome to New Discourses

The Illiberalism of Social Justice

James Lindsay talks about New Discourses with Benjamin Boyce

The Cost of Speaking Up for Your Beliefs | Peter Boghossian

Freedom of Speech and the Fallacy of Demanding to be Heard

Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship

Identity Politics Does Not Continue the Work of the Civil Rights Movements

A Principled Defense of the University

A Manifesto Against the Enemies of Modernity

Teaching to Transgress: Rage and Entitlement at Evergreen College

The Influence of Anti-Racist Scholarship-Activism on Evergreen College

A Postmodernism Postmortem