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New Discourses
Teilhard de Chardin and the Religion of Progress

Teilhard de Chardin and the Religion of Progress

The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Ep. 145

Leftism is religious. In fact, it's occult-mystical religious, a vast suite of denominations of "transformative" religions of "Progress." Progress toward what, though? Higher consciousness, in fact, collective consciousness, which is supposedly man's true but forgotten nature. The goal: to evolve humanity, collectively, to become master of the universe, which is to say God. This religion and its aspects are fully visible throughout all the phases of Marxism, with "socialism" being the name for the awakened aspect, and are obviously present in the strange theosophical views behind the UN, as we have seen. Perhaps nowhere are they more clearly laid bare, though, than in the heretical ramblings of Jesuit priest, geologist, and wizard Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Well, it's time to expose it all. Join host James Lindsay in this groundbreaking episode of the New Discourses Podcast as he starts to pull back the veil on just how religious Leftism is.

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