What in the world is "Christian Nationalism," and how in the world is it supposed to work? For those who don't yet realize, there is a major reactionary push brewing in the Christian Right that seeks to seize the present moment of uncertainty and frustration and take it into some "Christian Nationalist" direction. What is meant by "some 'Christian Nationalist' direction," though? That's a good question, and there appear to be a wide variety of answers. Worse, the people offering these answers are consciously playing off the others in a kind of motte-and-bailey, good-cop/bad-cop routine to advance their agendas. As we know, and as was documented by Nicholas Shackel for the first time in his 2005 paper, "On the Vacuity of Postmodernist Methodology" (pdf), that strategy is strongly identifiable with postmodernist thinking. So why is the so-called "Christian Nationalist" Right using it for its agenda? And, again, how on Earth is this supposed to work? And why does so much of it sound like Mao? All of these questions are raised and addressed by host James Lindsay in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, using Stephen Wolfe's ("Mr. Wolfe the Greater") new book The Case for Christian Nationalism and William Wolfe's ("Mr. Wolfe the Lesser") various writings to explain this peculiar movement that looks every bit like a strategic operation against the enemies of the Woke or an old-fashioned trap. Join James to hear his thoughts about this very suspicious and annoying development.
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